
How “Alone” Impacts Your Health

I did not do this alone.

I’m an independent woman. Fiercely independent. Some days that quality has saved my life. Other days it’s sabotaged it. And it relates to my journey of health and well being–I did not do this alone.

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Teen Identity: Guiding Your Kids in Discovery

“Do you believe the search for identity is an important job for your teenager?”

This was a question posed to me recently in a small group setting among other parents of teens. The knee jerk response to this question varied among the crowd. And there were a lot of “yes, but” and “that depends” in each statement that followed. It seems like a basic question with an obvious answer, until you have to put it into practice. As kids mature into the teen years the job of a parent goes from guard to guide.

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It’s Okay to Cry

It’s Down Syndrome Awareness month. A time of year that has landed on me differently each of the seventeen years it’s mattered in my life. Currently my social media feed is flooded with posts of perspective, gratitude, education and the most adorable kids with Down Syndrome and their families. As it should be.

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What Do You Do When “IT” Gets In The Way of Your Goals

My husband and I signed up for an eight-week challenge. The goal was to create the habit of fitness while reeling in the nutrition to lose body fat percentage. The day we signed on the dotted line and had our initial body fat weigh in I asked my husband, “What’s your goal?” His answer, “To win.” “Me, too!” I replied. And that was it.

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